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Rayat Shikshan Sanstha's
Tal : Man, Dist : Satara, PinCode : 415508
(Affiliated to Shivaji University Kolhapur)
NAAC 4th Cycle Accredited at 'A++' grade (CGPA 3.60) (Funded by DST- FIST)
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
NIRF ( National Institutional Ranking Framework )
Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements
Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises, Govt. of India
ASPIRE - LBI funded
* indicated Mandetory Fields
Dear Student,
We seek your kind participation in this process of collecting feedback about our college. Your inputs will be helpful to us to make required modifications in the existing learing facilities, infrastructure to enhance the qualities & competencies of the college. For each question, indicate your opinion with selecting appropriate options...
Name : * Class : *
Address : * Mobile Number : *
Email : * Relation with College : *
1. Are you satisfied about the information of Admission Process ?
2. Are you satisfied about service provided by Administrative Staff ?
3. How is the Learning facility in this college ?
4. How is the Library facility in this college ?
5. How is the Hostel Facility in this college ?
6. How is the Computer Facility in this college ?
7. How is the Environment & Faculty in this college ?
8. How is the Placement & Extracurricular Activities useful ?
9. How is the overall opnion about college ?
Suggestions Regarding Syllabus ? :
Any other Suggestions for further development of the college ? :
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